New Delhi: Iran’s police has arrested the well-known actress Hengameh Ghajiani. The 52-year-old film actress is accused of making a video of herself after removing her hijab and tying her hair. She posted the video on Instagram. According to media reports, the actress did this in support of the ongoing protests in the country. The actress was arrested after the video went viral.
‘Govt of Iran is responsible for whatever happens with me’
Late on Saturday night, the actress wrote in the post that ‘From this moment on, the government of Iran is responsible for whatever happens to me, know that as always, I am with the Iranian people till my last breath.’
It is clearly visible in the video that Ghajiani is standing in a public place without a hijab and then she is seen tying her hair. At the same time, last week Ghajiani also posted a post in which he wrote that the Iranian government is a child-killer who has killed more than 50 children.
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More protesters were summoned along with Ghajiani
The judiciary’s Mizan online news website, Ghajiani was among eight people summoned over “inflammatory” content posted on social media. These included Yahya Golmohammadi, the coach of Tehran football team Persepolis FC, who strongly criticized the players of the Iran national squad for not bringing the voices of those suffering persecution to the ears of the authorities.
Mandatory to wear hijab in Iran
Indeed, in Iran it is mandatory for women to wear the hijab and it is considered a crime to remove the hijab in public. If a woman takes off her hijab in public, she can be punished severely. Please tell that after the death of Mahsa Amini, thousands of women have done this as a protest.
Protests erupted after Mahsa Amini’s death
During the anti-hijab protest, a woman named Mahsa Amini was taken into custody by the Iranian police. She died in custody, after which the demonstrations intensified throughout Iran. Reports of violence also emerged from many places.