New Delhi: The Ukraine Defence Ministry Sunday posted a morphed image allegedly showing Hindu goddess Kaali in an ‘indecent pose’ that faced a blacklash by the netizens who called it “Hinduphobic.”
The post has now been taken down from the official account of the Ukraine ministry but Indians are still demanding an apology for portraying Hindu goddess in such awkward pose.
The controversial picture was showing a blast and its flames originally, which was later edited and the goddess Kaali was morphed into it. In the final edit, the pose of goddess was comapred with Hollywood star Marilyn Monroe’s iconic upskirt pose.
“I am absolutely appalled to see the Ukrainian defence handle mocking Maa Kali, a revered Hindu goddess. This is a gross display of insensitivity and ignorance. I urge them to take down the offensive content and issue an apology. Respect for all religions and beliefs is paramount,” wrote a user on Twitter.
Another student and a PhD student for International Relations wrote, “Shocking! Official handle of Ukraine Defense Ministry is portraying Maa Kali in a demeaning pose. This is not a work of art. Our faith is not a matter of joke. Take it down and apologise.”
“Just deleting the tweet will not do @DefenceU, you should issue an apology to Hindus for hurting their religious sentiments. Our religion and deities are not meme material,” wrote another user.
Deleting this wont help. @DefenceU and @UkrembInd should apologise for hurting the sentiments of Hindus in India and across the world.
— rae (@ChillamChilli) April 30, 2023
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