You Were Doing It Wrong! See The Right Way to Eat a Pineapple

Rishika Baranwal

Cracking the Pineapple Puzzle: A Simpler Solution

Pineapples are beloved for their sweet, tangy flavor, but peeling and cutting them can be daunting. Most people waste a lot of fruit by cutting it the traditional way. There's a simpler, waste-free method.

The Traditional Struggle

Typically, people cut off the top and bottom, slice away the skin, and cut out the eyes before chopping. This is time-consuming and wasteful.

The Right Way to Eat a Pineapple

Here are the viral methods that show a better technique

1.Choose the Right Pineapple:

It should be firm but slightly soft with a sweet aroma at the base.

2.Remove the Crown:

Twist off the leafy top.

3.Roll the Pineapple:

Roll it on a hard surface to loosen the fibers.

4.Peel Back Sections:

Use your fingers to pull out individual segments.


You now have bite-sized pieces without the hassle.

Why This Method Works

Pineapples are made of fused berries around a core. Rolling loosens segments, making it easy to separate them.

Benefits of Eating Pineapple

Packed with vitamins C and B6, manganese, and fiber, pineapples have anti-inflammatory properties and aid digestion due to bromelain.