Worst Films Directed by Great Directors


Nolan's ambitious time-bending blockbuster struggled with inaudible dialogue and visual clarity issues.


Tarantino's ensemble piece set in a mountain cabin lacked compelling characters and a coherent plot.

The Hateful Eight

Mann's attempt to portray John Dillinger in a heroic light fell short due to wooden performances and lackluster production.

Public Enemies

 The Coens' remake failed to capture the charm of the original, with broad performances and overbearing style.

The Ladykillers

Scorsese's foray into masala filmmaking resulted in a lackluster narrative, despite Daniel Day-Lewis' standout performance.

Gangs of New York

Spielberg's comedic take on World War II lacked substance, despite lavish production.


Wilder's attempt to honor Charles Lindbergh fell flat in this dull and lifeless film.

The Spirit of St. Louis