World's Largest Eagles


Found in eastern and southern Africa, it has a wingspan up to 7.7 feet and weighs up to 13 pounds, noted for black plumage with white V-shaped back markings.

Verreaux’s Eagle

North America’s icon with a wingspan up to 8 feet and weighing up to 14 pounds, known for its white head and tail and dark brown body.

Bald Eagle

Inhabits Europe, Asia, and Greenland with a wingspan up to 8 feet and weighing up to 15 pounds, marked by a pale head and neck.

White-tailed Eagle

Native to sub-Saharan Africa, it has a wingspan up to 6 feet and weighs up to 10 pounds, distinguished by its feathered crest and powerful talons.

Crowned Eagle

Found across North America, Europe, and Asia, it has a wingspan up to 7.8 feet and weighs up to 15 pounds, known for dark brown plumage with golden-brown nape feathers.

Golden Eagle

Inhabits sub-Saharan Africa with a wingspan up to 8.5 feet and weighing up to 14 pounds, noted for its dark brown upperparts.

Martial Eagle

Native to Central and South America’s tropical rainforests, it has a wingspan up to 7.5 feet and weighs up to 20 pounds. Known for powerful talons and distinct facial disk.

Harpy Eagle