World Liver Day 2023: 12 Foods that  will keep your Liver Healthy

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Avocado   In this world of ours, avocado is the superfood.  It is rich in some vitamins and minerals that increase liver health to a large extent. It's got a unique antioxidant called Glutathione that will help your  body to rid itself of toxins.

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Garlic Garlic contains some sulfur that's activated by liver enzymes which are responsible for flushing out toxins and waste from the body. They are also composed of selenium, which protects the liver from damage.

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Green Leafy Vegetables It's always better for your health if you're greener! In addition, vitamins A, C, and K and antioxidants have been found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach or kale which help to purify the blood.

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Turmeric By protecting the liver from damage and regenerating healthy liver cells, turmeric is one of the strongest spices that help to maintain a healthy liver. It's also increasing the natural production of bile.

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Beetroot There are nitrates in beetroot juice and, therefore, it is an antioxidant that can be beneficial for cardiac health as well as reducing inflammation. Studies also show that a chemical present in beet may be beneficial for fighting fatty liver disease.

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Green Tea There are a lot of antioxidants called catechins in green tea. Catechin has been shown to help with liver detoxification and reduce inflammation in the liver.

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Olive Oil In the case of liver disease, olive oil and its extract can be helpful. Studies have shown that it possesses strong antioxidant activity, which shields the liver from a variety of toxins.

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Walnuts Walnuts are a rich source of arginine, an amino acid that helps to cleanse the liver. Walnuts particularly contain a high level of plant compounds. Walnuts are helping to keep the blood oxygenated in the liver.

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Fatty fish Fish is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which helps reduce inflammation in the liver. These fats are prevented from causing extra fat in the liver and maintaining regular levels of enzymes.v

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Apples To remove toxins from the body, fibre-rich fruits like apples are added to your diet. It provides healthy support to the digestive tract as well.

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Grapefruits   The results of studies indicate that antioxidants may be beneficial for reducing inflammation and preventing liver damage in grapes, grape juice or grape seed.

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Lemon They say that a glass of warm water mixed with lemon juice is effective for cleansing the liver.