Winter Special: Best vegetable juices  to increase immunity

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To stay fit and healthy, we consume different types of fruits and vegetables in our diet. Here's best vegetable juices you should consume in winter, which will help in increasing your immunity.

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Bottle Gourd Juice If you consume bottle gourd juice on an empty stomach in the morning, it keeps your health in good shape.

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Carrot Juice Carrot is a good source of Vitamin A.  This sharpens the eyesight.

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Beetroot Juice Drinking beetroot juice in the winter season gives a lot of benefits to the body. Let us tell you, beetroot keeps your blood sugar level under control and it also helps in boosting your digestion and immunity.

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Radish Juice Cough, cold bothers people more in winter. In such a situation, people eat medicines to get rid of it. But if you include radish juice in your diet, then you can avoid many diseases.

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Amla Juice There are many benefits of consuming Amla in winter. Consuming Amla on an empty stomach in the morning is considered most beneficial. Amla is rich in Vitamin-C, anti-oxidant.

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You have seen how many nutritious elements are there in these vegetables, that is why from today itself you can include these juices in your list.