Kritika Handa

⁠Why Do We Get Hiccups?

Hiccups are caused by involuntary contractions of the diaphragm, irritation or stimulation of the diaphragm, such as from eating too quickly or consuming spicy foods, can trigger these contractions.

Diaphragm Irritation

The phrenic and vagus nerves control the diaphragm. Irritation or stimulation of these nerves, from causes such as a hair touching the eardrum or a sore throat, can lead to hiccups by triggering diaphragm spasms.

Nerve Irritation

Consuming food or beverages too quickly can cause hiccups. This rapid intake can lead to swallowing air or overstretching the stomach.

Rapid Eating/Drinking

Drinking carbonated beverages introduces excess gas into the stomach. This gas can irritate the diaphragm and cause it to spasm, leading to hiccups as the body tries to expel the trapped air.

Carbonated Drinks

A sudden change in temperature, such as drinking a hot beverage followed by a cold one, can irritate the diaphragm or the nerves that control it.

Sudden Temperature Changes

Strong emotions like stress, excitement, or anxiety can trigger hiccups. These emotions can affect the autonomic nervous system, leading to diaphragm spasms.

Emotional Stress/Excitement