Why Do Olympic Winners Bite Their Medals?

Rishika Baranwal

It's a common sight at the Olympics: winners biting their medals for the cameras. But why do they do it? Let's explore the reasons behind this iconic pose.

Historically, biting gold coins was a way to test their authenticity, as real gold is softer and would show bite marks. While modern medals aren't pure gold, this tradition has carried over to the Olympics.

Biting the medal has become a tradition in the Olympic Games, symbolizing victory and the athlete's hard-earned achievement. This pose often makes for a memorable photograph.

For many athletes, biting the medal is a personal and emotional moment, symbolizing the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. It’s a way to physically connect with their success.

Photographers and media often encourage athletes to bite their medals, knowing that it makes for a dynamic and engaging photo. This has helped solidify the practice as a standard post-victory pose.

Finally, biting the medal adds a touch of fun and playfulness to the often serious and intense atmosphere of the Olympics. It shows the human side of athletes, celebrating their accomplishments with a bit of humor.