Why Do Men Want More SEX In Winters

More is less when it comes to having true intimacy in the form of sex. But ever wondered why are men more interested in sex in winter than in any other season?

They're hornier in January Yes, you read that right! Researchers have found that men's testosterone levels are at their peak in January.

Close and cozy Winter is a season that requires soothing. People tend to get closer and more comfy in this season.

Mercury dips, desires rise Sex seems like a task on hot and humid days. Having an air-conditioned room is fine but the weather really affects. Nobody wants to be tired and sweating in 2 minutes.

Warmth than warmer Who doesn't like to be warm in winters?  Sex keeps you close and warm which  everyone seeks.

Long, longer nights Long nights mean more bedtime. More bedtime means more romance and hence more sex!

Beauty prevails Your skin gets better in winter and you don't look tired and tanned. The aura of winters keeps you glowing so magic happens.

Immunity booster! Well, fewer men know about it but sex is an immunity booster too. So more sex means fewer chances of cough and cold.

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