Why AC Gas Leaks Occur: Know The Common Causes and Misconceptions

Aman Trivedi


If you want your AC not to get damaged, then always pay attention to its regular maintenance.

Gas Leak

If the maintenance not done timely, then it may lead to a problem of gas leak in the AC and cooling gets affected.

Carbon Can Be A Problem

The biggest reason for AC gas leaks is the accumulation of carbon in it.

Condenser Pipe

Once the condenser pipes start rusting, their cooling effect will reduce, also a hole created in the pipe can lead to the same.

Hot Air

The AC gives cool air from the front but throws out hot air from the back.

Don't Keep Things Around AC

If you keep things around the AC, the air cannot flow out easily.

Drainage System

If the drainage system of your AC is not proper then the chances of coolant leaking may increase.

Water Will Collect In The Pipes

The drainage of the AC takes out the water, if this is not done properly then the water will remain in the pipes inside the AC.

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