Benefits Of Flex SeedsWhiten Your Knees, Elbows With These Easy Practices; Check Here

Use a gentle exfoliating scrub or a natural scrub like a mixture of lemon juice and sugar to remove dead skin cells from your knees and elbows


Apply a moisturizing cream or lotion daily to keep the skin in these areas hydrated


Protect your knees and elbows from the sun's harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen with at least SPF 30 when they are exposed


Apply lemon juice on your knees and elbows for a natural skin-lightening effect. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off

Lemon juice

Aloe vera gel can help lighten and moisturize the skin. Apply it regularly

Aloe vera

Massage coconut oil onto your knees and elbows to moisturize and nourish the skin

Coconut oil

Shea butter is a rich moisturizer that can help improve skin tone. Apply it regularly

Shea butter

Make a paste with oatmeal and water and gently scrub your knees and elbows to remove dark spots.

Oatmeal scrub