What Your Food Desires Reveal About Your Body and Mind


Our body sends signals through cravings, indicating potential nutritional deficiencies. Understanding these signals is crucial for maintaining a balanced diet

Cravings can arise when your diet lacks diversity in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Indicate a magnesium deficiency; increase intake of nuts, veggies, and fruits, or opt for dark chocolate with higher cocoa and magnesium content

Chocolate Cravings

Suggest a lack of chromium and essential minerals; incorporate broccoli, grapes, chicken, raw fruits, and dry fruits like raisins, almonds, and walnuts

Sugar Cravings

Signal a need for nitrogen; choose high-protein foods like meat, fish, chia seeds, or fruits such as apples or pears

Carb Cravings

May signify a calcium deficiency; opt for calcium-rich options like raw milk, cheese, and fortified veggies

Spicy Food Cravings

Could indicate low chloride and silicon levels; consider stress levels and sodium intake, and address with balanced alternatives

Salt Cravings