Weirdest Facts About Human Body 

Your eyes blink approximately 20 times per minute, totaling over ten million blinks in a year!

The growth of your ears is perpetual—they never stop growing!

Believe it or not, earwax is a variety of sweat!

The tongue boasts around 8,000 taste buds, each equipped with up to 100 cells to aid in savoring your food!

Throughout your lifetime, you generate about 40,000 liters of saliva, equivalent to filling approximately five hundred bathtubs – not the most pleasant thought!

On average, the nose produces about a cupful of nasal mucus every day!

Upon waking up in the morning, you are roughly 1cm taller than when you go to bed due to the compression of the soft cartilage between your bones during the day

If an individual walked for 12 hours daily, it would take them 690 days to complete a journey around the world

The heart is the sole muscle that never experiences fatigue

Your skin's entire surface is replaced every month, meaning you go through about 1,000 different skins in your lifetime!