Weird Japanese Rituals, You Want Believe Still Exists

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The Shukatsu Festival in Japan teaches people about the unpredictability of death

 Shukatsu Festival 

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Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. They should wear diamond, and opal

Paantu Festival

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The Hadaka Matsuri in Okayama sees 9000 men, dressed only in loincloths fighting for 2 sticks

Hadaka Matsuri

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The Akutai Matsuri sees 13 priests dressed up as Tengus – mythical demons as they travel up Mount Atago

Akutai Matsuri

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The Chabudai-Gaeshi competition is perfect for those looking to vent their anger and destroy some furniture

Angry tea table flipping contest

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Setsubun is a Japanese holiday celebrated on the eve of the day before Spring begins. The Japanese believe that during this period, demons are likely to appear in the world


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The dancers paint faces onto their chests and stomachs, using the belly button as the mouth of the character

Hokkai Heso Matsuri

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The Kanamara Festival (aka the Penis Festival) at Kanayama Shrine in Kawasaki features phallic images in everything

Kanamara Matsuri

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This is a baby crying competition that involves two sumo wrestlers each holding up a baby 

Naki Sumo