Richa Singh

 Ways To Use Fruit Peels In The Home

Lemon peel

 It is used to bathe yourself in the shower. It leaves your body and hair smelling fresh and clean.

Orange peel

Use the peel to keep your brown sugar soft by putting it in the packaging with the brown sugar.

Grapefruit peel

Extracted coconut palm tree flower buds, coconut sugar lower fructose content.

Use grapefruit peels to cut into shapes to brighten up your salad. It is sprinkle them over the salad.

Kumquat peel

Extracted coconut palm tree flower buds, coconut sugar lower fructose content.

Use the peel of a kumquat to make marmalade.

Extracted coconut palm tree flower buds, coconut sugar lower fructose content.

Use as an ingredient in cooking, water purification, and manufacture of many biochemical products.

Banana peel

Pomegranate peel

Extracted coconut palm tree flower buds, coconut sugar lower fructose content.

Pomegranate peel is used in a powdered form with water as a gargle to alleviate sore throats and cough.