Was Ravana the First Kanwadiya? Discover His Connection To Kanwad Yatra

Aman Trivedi

Kanwad Yatra

A month-long ceremony is performed every year in India by Lord Shiva's devotees known as Kanwadiyas.


The devotees of Lord Shiva walk barefoot to collect the holy water of Ganga, and return with that to their town and perform an 'Abhishek' in the Shiva temple of the area.

Why It Started

As per the 'Grantha'  the kawadyatra was started after the Samudra Manthan which release both poison and amrit.

Lord Shiva Supremacy

The poison released at that time was drunk by Lord Shiva himself while he served the 'Amrit' to others.


It is believed that the poison in the Lord Shiva's neck created negative energy and Ravana ejected those energies from him.  

The First Kanwadiya

Ravana performed a religious practice and did an 'Abhishek' of Lord Shiva with the holy water of Ganga, which is performed as a ceremony now.

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