In "Geetha Govindam," Deverakonda mesmerizes as a lovable yet flawed character, infusing the romantic comedy with depth and charm, solidifying his status as a versatile actor
Deverakonda delivers a nuanced portrayal of love in its myriad forms in "World Famous Lover," navigating through different relationships with authenticity and depth, leaving an indelible mark on viewers
Deverakonda shines with his effortless charm and impeccable comedic timing in "Pelli Choopulu," portraying a laid-back chef with big aspirations, earning accolades for his authentic performance
In "Liger," Deverakonda embraces the role of a boxer with ambition, showcasing not only his physical prowess but also his emotional depth, promising a compelling performance in this sports drama
Deverakonda captivates audiences with his portrayal of a taxi driver caught in supernatural events in "Taxiwaala," showcasing his versatility and depth in this thrilling genre-bender.