Unveiling the Mysteries: Rediscovering Lost Cities Around the Globe


Timgad, Algeria Timgad was a Roman colonial town in North Africa founded around AD 100. It was abandoned in the 7th century and is now a UNESCO World Heritage site

Persepolis, Iran The ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire, Persepolis, was destroyed by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. The ruins showcase impressive Persian architecture

Palenque, Mexico A Maya city-state in southern Mexico, Palenque was abandoned in the 7th century and reclaimed by the jungle

Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe An ancient city built by the Shona people, Great Zimbabwe was a powerful medieval city known for its stone structures. It was abandoned in the 15th century

Atlantis While the existence of Atlantis remains speculative, it is often considered a lost city or civilization mentioned in ancient Greek texts

Troy, Turkey The legendary city of Troy, featured in Homer's Iliad, was thought to be a myth until its ruins were discovered by archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann in the 19th century

Angkor, Cambodia The capital of the Khmer Empire, Angkor, was a vast city with impressive temples like Angkor Wat. It was abandoned in the 15th century and later rediscovered by French explorers

Pompeii and Herculaneum, Italy These ancient Roman cities were buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. Excavations have revealed remarkably preserved buildings, streets, and artifacts

Petra, Jordan Often referred to as the "Rose City," Petra was a thriving Nabataean city carved into pink sandstone cliffs. It was a major trading hub but was abandoned and forgotten for centuries

Machu Picchu, Peru One of the most iconic and well-known lost cities, Machu Picchu was built by the Inca Empire in the 15th century and abandoned during the Spanish Conquest

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