Unlock Clogged  Arteries with Simple Yoga


Yoga promotes cardiovascular health by improving circulation and reducing stress. Here are some poses to enhance heart health

Lie on back, legs slightly apart, arms by sides with palms up. Close eyes, relax entire body, focus on breath. Remain in pose for several minutes.


Start on hands and knees, lift knees off floor, straighten legs into inverted V shape. Press hands into ground, relax head. Hold briefly, then release.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Lie on stomach, hands under shoulders. Inhale, lift chest off ground, elbows slightly bent. Look upward, hold briefly, exhale back down.


Lie on back, knees bent, feet flat, arms by sides. Inhale, lift hips toward ceiling, engaging glutes and core. Hold briefly, then lower hips.

Setu Bandhasana

From Tadasana, shift weight to one foot and place the other foot on the inner thigh. Palms together at chest or overhead. Focus on balance. Hold, then switch sides.


Stand tall with feet together, arms overhead, and fingers interlaced. Inhale, stretch upwards, and elongate the spine. Hold briefly before releasing.
