Kritika Handa

Unknown Facts About Andaman Nicobar

The islands are home to several indigenous tribes, including the Sentinelese, one of the world’s most isolated tribes.

Tribal Diversity

The infamous Cellular Jail, known as 'Kala Pani,' was used by the British to exile political prisoners, and its construction was completed using slave labor in 1906.

Cellular Jail History

Barren Island in the Andamans is India’s only active volcano, which last erupted in 2020, making it a significant geological site.

Volcanic Activity

The islands boast some of the richest coral reef ecosystems in the world, offering a habitat for diverse marine life.

Coral Reefs

The Islands are part of the Indo-Pacific bio-geographical zone, hosting unique flora and fauna that aren't found anywhere else on Earth.

Indo-Pacific Bio-Diversity

Over 50 languages are spoken, including local tribal languages, Hindi, Tamil, and Bengali, reflecting the islands' cultural diversity.

Language and Culture