Unique Wedding Rituals From Different States Of India

Rishika Baranwal

Couples enact scenes from Lord Krishna's life, symbolizing devotion.

Manipuri Wedding (Ras Leela)

A night-long community singing to bless the couple in Uttarakhand.

Garhwali Wedding (Jagar)

Silk shawl held between the couple symbolizing their separate lives before marriage.

Maharashtrian Wedding (Antarpat)

Groom pretends to go on a pilgrimage to Kashi, symbolizing renunciation before being convinced to marry.

Tamil Wedding (Kashi Yatra)

Groom welcomed with milk, honey, and ghee, signifying hospitality.

Gujarati Wedding (Madhuparka)

Groom’s mother ties a sacred thread around the couple’s wrists to ward off evil spirits.

Assamese Wedding (Kankan Bandhan)