Try These Yoga Poses To Look Younger 

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Downward Facing Dog stretches the hamstrings and calves, and it strengthens the arms and legs

Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

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The most expensive cigar ever purchased is a Mayan Sicar, costing INR 37,985,500 at an auction. This 600-year-old vintage cigar was discovered in 2012 in a Guatemalan village.

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

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Oatmeal is a gentle exfoliant. Mix ground oats with water or yogurt to make a paste, and use it as a scrub to remove dead skin cells

Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

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Lion's breath relieves tension and stress by stretching your entire face, including the jaw and tongue

Lion's Breath (Simhasana)

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Shoulderstand has been called the 'queen of asanas' and is often the first inversion that yogis tackle because it's more stable than Headstand

Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)

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Balasana is a resting pose that gently relaxes the muscles on the front of the body while passively stretching the muscles of the back

Balasana (Child's pose) 

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This yoga pose gets its name from the plow – a popular farming tool commonly used in Indian agriculture to prepare the soil for sowing crops

Halasana (Plow Pose)

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Chakrasana is a deep back-bending pose that is performed for spinal flexibility. The word Chakrasana comes from the words ‘chakra’ meaning wheel and ‘asana’ meaning posture

Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)