Traditional Indian Sweets To Celebrate Mahashivratri


Looking for a traditional Maha Shivratri sweet? Milkcake is an ideal choice.


This classic Indian mocktail-style sweet is crafted from milk, almonds, melon seeds, rose petals, and saffron, imparting a distinct flavor and texture.


Combining milk, sugar, cardamom, and a generous portion of grapes cooked to perfection, this treat offers a delightful combination.

Angoor Rabdi

Indulge your sweet tooth and passion for traditional Indian desserts by treating yourself to Kalakand at Kailash Sweets this Maha Shivratri.


For aficionados of classic Indian sweets, Kaju Katli is a must-have. Its diamond-shaped form adds a festive touch to your Maha Shivratri celebration.

Kaju Katli