Aman Trivedi
"Gullak," an endearing series on Sony Liv, depicts the day-to-day existence of a working class family in a humble community, offering engaging and contacting minutes
"Yeh Meri Family," set during the 1990s, catches the existence of a 12-year-old kid and his family, mixing humour and close-to-home minutes. Accessible on Prime Video
"Panchayat," a satire show on Prime Video, follows a designing alumni who hesitantly acknowledges a task as a Panchayat secretary in a distant town
"Little Things," gushing on Netflix, investigates the relationship elements of a youthful couple living respectively in Mumbai
"Bandish Bandits," a melodic show on Prime Video, rotates around two differentiating performers who meet up to make music
"Bose: Dead/Alive," a verifiable show on Jio Film, dives into the baffling life and seasons of Subhas Chandra Bose
"Mind the Malhotras," a satire series on Prime Video, follows a wedded couple going through treatment, managing their particular day to day life and clever circumstances