Top Indian Mathematicians And Their Remarkable Contributions

Samridhi Garg


Renowned for his work in astronomy and mathematics, Aryabhata's seminal work, the Aryabhatiya, introduced the concept of zero and approximated the value of pi.


Brahmagupta made significant contributions to number systems, algebra, and astronomy, including rules for operations on zero and negative numbers, and solving quadratic equations.

Bhaskara II (Bhaskaracharya)

Known for his comprehensive work Siddhanta Shiromani, Bhaskara II made major advances in algebra, arithmetic, and calculus, and developed early concepts of differential calculus.

Srinivasa Ramanujan

A self-taught mathematical genius, Ramanujan made groundbreaking contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series, and continued fractions, despite having little formal training.

P.C. Mahalanobis

A pioneer of statistics in India, P.C. Mahalanobis developed the Mahalanobis distance, contributed to large-scale sample surveys, and founded the Indian Statistical Institute.

C.R. Rao

C.R. Rao is renowned for his work in statistics, particularly for the Cramér-Rao inequality and Rao-Blackwell theorem, which are fundamental to statistical theory and practice.


A mathematician and physicist, Harish-Chandra's work in representation theory and harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups has had a profound impact on modern mathematics.