Kritika Handa

Top Eco-Friendly Travel Tips

Opt for trains, buses, or carpooling over flying or driving alone to reduce your carbon footprint while traveling.

Sustainable Transportation

Bring only essential items and choose multi-use products to minimize luggage weight and decrease environmental impact.

Pack Light and Smart

Book eco-certified hotels or lodges that implement green practices like energy conservation and waste reduction.


Bring reusable water bottles, utensils, and bags to avoid single-use plastics and cut down on waste during your trip.

Reduce Plastic Use

Choose to eat at local restaurants and shop at markets that promote sustainable practices and support the local economy.

\Support Local Businesses

Turn off lights, unplug electronics, and reduce water usage in your accommodation to conserve resources during your stay.

Reduce Energy Consumption

Follow guidelines for wildlife viewing, stay on marked trails, and avoid disturbing natural habitats to protect local ecosystems.

Respect Wildlife

Exercise Routines for Busy Schedules