Top 9 Unbelievably Rare Finds On Earth

Samridhi Garg


A gemstone more rare than diamonds, Taaffeite is prized for its unique color variations, ranging from violet to red, and is found in only a few locations worldwide.


This elusive and endangered mammal, covered in protective keratin scales, is often poached for its scales and meat, making it one of the rarest animals in the world.

Amur Leopard

With an estimated population of fewer than 100 individuals, the Amur leopard is critically endangered due to habitat loss and poaching, making it one of the rarest big cats.

The Hope Diamond

One of the most famous and valuable diamonds, the blue Hope Diamond is renowned for its size, beauty, and storied history, including tales of a supposed curse.

Javan Rhino

This critically endangered species of rhino, found only in Indonesia, has a population of less than 70 individuals, making it one of the rarest large mammals.

White Peacocks

A genetic variation of the more common Indian peafowl, white peacocks are rare due to their unique coloration, resulting from a condition called leucism.

Corpse Flower (Amorphophallus titanum)

Known for its enormous size and foul odor when it blooms, the corpse flower is a rare plant that can take years to flower, making its bloom a unique and infrequent event.

Tibetan Mastiff

This ancient and rare breed of dog is known for its impressive size, strength, and thick fur, making it highly sought after and extremely expensive.

Wollemi Pine

Discovered in Australia in 1994, the Wollemi Pine is a rare and ancient tree species that was thought to be extinct until its rediscovery, with fewer than 100 mature trees known to exist.