Top 8 popular pet birds  in India 

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Cockatiels These species are gentle, affectionate and have friendly personalities. They are small parrots found in a grey body with a yellow face and crest and orange cheek patch. 

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Love Birds These species are also known as pocket parrots and are charming, loving, active, curious, feisty, playful and create a good bond with owners. They are found in colours like peach, teal, white and green.

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Dove They are the best option for older children who understand how to be calm and gentle with animals. There are more than 300 species of them. They are found in colour combinations like pure white, tangerine, pied, orange and  white-grey with specific markings.

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Canary These bords are small finch and are undemanding, charming, and cheerful. These birds are found in greenish-yellow with yellow underparts and also found in orange, white, red and yellow colours. 

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Budgies These birds are very active, and playful and living in pairs make good company for each other. They are the smallest parrot species and were originally found in light green with a black bar on their wings, back and head.

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Zebra Finches They are active, highly social, fun to watch and kept in large cages for flight. They are kept in pairs. They are found in black and white bars on their throat and breast, brown patches on their side and orange on cheeks.

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Hyacinth Macaw These species are gentle and have sharp hooked beaks. They have a beautiful deep solid blue shade along with bright yellow patches around the eyes and beak. They are one of the rare and threatened species which must be kept by those who can fulfil all their needs and give proper care.

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Hahn’s Macaw These species are the most popular among miniature macaws. With the right training, they can learn many words and phrases as they are excellent talkers. They are found primarily green with red colour on the forehead. It has a black beak. 

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