Top 8 food that can give anyone nightmares  and sleepless nights

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Our physical, mental, and even emotional health  are all influenced by the food we consume.  It shapes who we are.

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Here is a full list of foods that can lead to  restlessness and even nightmares.

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Cheese Tryptophan, which is abundant in cheese, is a precursor to serotonin, the hormone that induces sleep. Studies show that it frequently leads to nightmares and discomfort during sleep.

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Pasta Pasta is high in starch and carbohydrates, which the body converts to glucose and has the same effects as sugary foods, resulting in restless sleep and nightmares.

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Hot Sauce Increased body temperature from consuming spicy sauces in excess frequently causes nightmares by further altering dream creation during the REM stage of sleep.

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Chips According to a study published in the Frontiers of Psychology, consuming fatty foods at night disrupts sleep patterns and produces nightmares because they are high in fat, which takes longer to digest.

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Chocolate Caffeine has been discovered to be highly concentrated in chocolate, which has been reported to make people less likely to experience a deep sleep and more likely to experience restlessness and nightmares.

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Hot cocoa It contains sugar, milk, and cocoa powder and frequently instantly warms the body, but consuming it late at night upsets the stomach and elevates blood pressure, which produces nightmares.

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Curd Ayurveda claims that eating curd at night causes the production of mucus, interferes with breathing, affects blood flow to the brain, and causes restlessness and nightmares.

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Soda The high sugar and caffeine content of soda directly activates the brain, even when you're asleep, which causes unfavourable nightmares.

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