Top 7 Irresistible Tamil Snacks You Must Try


These crunchy, twisted deep-fried snacks are made from rice flour, urad dal flour, and a blend of spices. They come in various shapes and sizes and are typically enjoyed with tea or coffee.


Medu vada are savory lentil fritters made from urad dal flour, with a soft and fluffy interior and a crispy exterior. They are a popular breakfast or snack item, often served with chutney and sambar.

Medu Vada

Thattai are thin, crispy flatbreads made from rice flour and urad dal flour, seasoned with hing (asafoetida) and cumin seeds. They are typically enjoyed with chutney or sambar


Pakoda is a generic term for fritters made with various vegetables or other ingredients dipped in a chickpea flour batter and deep-fried. There are many different types of pakodas




Seedai are crunchy, melt-in-your-mouth cookies made from rice flour, urad dal flour, ghee, and cashews. They are a popular tea-time snack and can be sweet or savory depending on the recipe.


Nei urundai are melt-in-your-mouth balls made from ghee-roasted semolina flour, nuts, and jaggery. They are a rich and decadent sweet snack, often enjoyed during festivals and special occasions

Nei Urundai

Achappam are delicate, lacy rose-shaped pancakes made from rice flour, coconut milk, and jaggery. They are a sweet snack that is often served with a lentil-based stew
