Top 7 High-Paying AI Jobs in India (2024)

Rishika Baranwal

Are You AI Ready?

AI is booming in India! Here are the top 7 highest-paying AI jobs for 2024

Machine Learning Engineer (MLE)

Build & deploy AI models (₹118,000 - ₹206,000)

AI Research Scientist

Push the boundaries of AI (₹69,000 - ₹206,000)

Data Scientist

Uncover insights from data (₹118,000 - ₹206,000)

AI Product Manager

Bridge AI & real-world applications (₹80,000 - ₹180,000)

Computer Vision Engineer

Make machines see (₹168,803)

AI Software Engineer

Build with AI models (₹162,821)

Robotics Engineer

AI-powered robots (competitive salaries)

Ready to join the AI revolution?

Explore these high-demand fields!