Manisha Das

Popular Sadhya Food Options For Onam


It is a well known south Indian recipe made with sambar powder, a unique spice mix, along with ingredients such as, tamarind, lentil and mix vegetables. 

Kootu Curry

Kootu Curry has been a part of the traditional Sadhya meal for ages, it ia made using yam/plantain, black cheakpeas, curry leaves, chillies and coconut.

Ada Pradhaman

This is a rich creamy dessert prepared especially during the festival of Onam. It uses ingredients such as, cashews, rice ada, coconut milk, jaggery, ghee, raisins,  cardamom powder, water, etc. 

Madhura Curry

This curry is an integral dish prepared for a Sadhya meal. The ingredients used are, ripe pineapple, jaggery, coconut  and whole lot of south Indian spices. 

Palada Payasam

Dessert is an important part of the Onam Sadhya meal. While making this dessert, milk is reduced to get a creamy texture, the ada is cooked until soft,  and it is then topped with caramelized sugar and nuts.