Top 10 Riskiest Cities For Tourists

Rishika Baranwal

Caracas, Venezuela

High crime rates and political instability make Caracas dangerous. Avoid traveling alone and stay updated on local conditions.

Karachi, Pakistan

Issues like terrorism and gang violence increase risk. Exercise caution and avoid unstable areas.

Yangon, Burma

Political unrest and civil conflict pose risks. Stay informed and avoid protest zones.

Lagos, Nigeria

High crime rates and corruption make Lagos risky. Avoid traveling at night and stay vigilant.

Manila, Philippines

Crime, including pickpocketing and scams, is common. Be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded places.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Political protests and violent crime are concerns. Avoid protest areas and stay updated on local news.

Bogotá, Colombia

Drug-related violence and petty theft are issues. Take precautions and avoid less-traveled areas after dark.

Cairo, Egypt

Political instability and terrorism threats are prevalent. Avoid protests and be cautious around tourist sites.

Mexico City, Mexico

Risks include violent crime and petty theft. Be cautious, especially in crowded areas and at night.

Quito, Ecuador

Petty crime and occasional political instability can be risks. Stay vigilant and cautious with your belongings.