Top 10 Poorest Countries in the World in 2024

Rishika Baranwal

Global Poverty Persists

Despite India's development, many nations remain mired in poverty.

South Sudan

World's youngest nation, ravaged by civil war. Rich oil reserves, but poor infrastructure and a humanitarian crisis.


Struggles with political instability and weak economy. Limited access to basic necessities like healthcare and education.

Central African Republic

Ravaged by civil war and violence. Rich in minerals, but poverty remains widespread.

Democratic Republic of Congo

Abundant natural resources, but conflict and corruption hinder development. Many live below the poverty line.


Limited resources, political instability, and inadequate infrastructure create challenges.


Faces obstacles like limited resources, weak financial systems, and difficulty attracting foreign investment.


Grapples with poverty due to limited resources and high fertility rates.


Recovering from civil war, but limited resources and weak financial systems remain hurdles.


Beautiful island nation, but struggles with poverty, political instability, and environmental degradation.


Years of civil war have caused a humanitarian crisis, with widespread poverty, hunger, and limited access to necessities.

A Call for Global Action

Global cooperation on education, healthcare, and infrastructure is key to break the poverty cycle.