Top 10 Happiest Countries In The World

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Finland is number one when it comes to hapiness.

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Denmark lists in number two spot this year.

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 Iceland ranked third in the list of top 10  happiest countries in the world.

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Switzerland, drops one spot, ranks fourth this 2022.

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 Netherlands, according to world happiness  index ranks fifth.

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 Luxembourg is the 6th most happiest nation  with a population of under 600,000.

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Dropping one spot, Sweden is the 7th happiest  nation in the world.

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 Norway ranks 8th with well-integrated government,  a growing economy and welfare system.

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Israel has finally ranked into the top 10 happiest  countries in 2022. It was at 12th position in 2021.

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The last but not the least, New Zealand ranks 10th.

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