Kritika Handa

Tips To Refresh Your Brain During Work

Incorporate short walks, deep breathing, or stretching exercises to refresh your mind and boost productivity during work hours.

Brain Break Techniques

Practice mindfulness, listen to calming music, or engage in quick meditation sessions to rejuvenate your brain and maintain focus.

Mental Recharge Strategies

Perform simple yoga poses at your desk to release tension, increase blood flow, and revitalize your mind for improved concentration.

Desk Yoga

Take short outdoor breaks to connect with nature, breathe fresh air, and stimulate your brain for enhanced cognitive performance.

Nature Break

Opt for brain-boosting snacks like nuts, fruits, or dark chocolate to fuel your mind and maintain mental clarity throughout the day.

Mindful Snack Breaks

Take power naps during breaks to recharge your brain, improve cognitive function, and enhance overall productivity during work hours.

Power Nap