Toshi Gupta 

This Island Is Ruled By Snakes, Whoever Went There Never Returned Alive

It's known for its dense forest, including the Amazon, the world’s largest jungle. But do you know there’s a island which is ruled by snakes?


The island is relatively small, measuring only 43 hectares and exhibits a temperate climate. It is also known as 'Snake Island.'

Ilha Da Quenamada

Snake Island 

The island was created by Poseidon for Achilles to inhabit.

It is considered as one of the most poisonous snakes in the world. It measures about 46 inches in length and is yellow and brown in color

Golden Lancehead Vipers

Ice Age

According to Smithsonian magazine, the snakes became trapped on the island 11,000 years ago due to rising sea levels following the last Ice Age.

The island is off-limits to civilians due to safety reasons, as mandated by the Brazilian government.
