The Future Of Indian Space: 10 Key Missions To Watch

Samridhi Garg


Building on previous lunar missions, Chandrayaan-4 aims to further explore the Moon's surface with advanced technology and scientific instruments, continuing India's pursuit of lunar knowledge.

Mars Mission (Mangalyaan-2)

Following the success of Mangalyaan, this mission seeks to enhance our understanding of Mars with more sophisticated instruments and extended research objectives.

Venus Mission (Shukrayaan-1)

India's first mission to Venus will study the planet's atmosphere and surface, aiming to unlock the secrets of its extreme environment and contribute to global Venusian research.

NISAR Mission

A collaborative mission with NASA, the NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) mission will map the Earth's surface with unprecedented detail, aiding in the study of natural disasters, climate change, and Earth's ecosystem.

Artemis Mission Collaboration

India plans to collaborate with NASA on the Artemis program, which aims to return humans to the Moon and eventually to Mars, highlighting India's growing role in international space exploration.

Next-Gen Launch Vehicle

India is developing a next-generation launch vehicle to enhance payload capacity, improve efficiency, and reduce costs, ensuring India's competitiveness in the global space market.

Space Station Project

India plans to establish its own space station, providing a platform for long-term space research, scientific experiments, and international collaborations.

Human Moon Mission

Aiming to send Indian astronauts to the Moon, this mission will mark a significant milestone in India's space exploration efforts, showcasing the nation's capabilities in human spaceflight.

Boosting the Private Sector

The Modi administration aims to boost the private space sector by providing support, funding, and opportunities for startups and private companies, fostering innovation and growth in India's space industry.