Terrible! Unbelievable 10 Norms In North Korea

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In 2015, North Korean's Kim Jong-un ordered the destruction of all  tapes and CDs in an attempt to deter dissent.

No Foreign Source Of Entertainment 

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North Korean Defense Minister Hyon Yong-chol was shot down by  anti-aircraft fire in front of 100 people because he fell asleep in the presence of Kim Jong-un.

 Disloyalty Leads To Death Penalty

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If someone commits a crime in North Korea, not only  will they be punished, but also their grandparents, parents and children.

Punishment Over Three Generations

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All men and women can only have one of 28 government-approved haircuts, 18 for women and 10 for men; Other hairstyles are prohibited.

Only Government Approved Haircuts

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North Korean leader Kim Jong-un only wants  the most prosperous, richest and most influential people to live in Pyongyang, North Korea.

Permit required in national capital

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In North Korea, the Bible is considered a symbol of Western culture and is therefore banned because it can transform people.

Bible Is Banned 

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Students must pay for  desks and chairs in  class! Tuition fees do not include this.

Students Must Pay For Their Tables And chairs

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People in this country know very little about electronics and technology because the government's quarantine policy hides a lot of things.

No iPhone Or Laptop

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It is estimated that about 200,000 North Koreans live in these camps. They were arrested for alleged political crimes.

Prison camps in North Korea

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The North Korean calendar begins on April 15, 1912, the birthday of their beloved revolutionary leader Kim Il Sung. 

Different Calendars