Surprisingly Poisonous Birds

Rishika Baranwal

Hooded Pitohui

Found in Papua New Guinea, this bird’s feathers contain batrachotoxin, a powerful neurotoxin.

Ifrita kowaldi

Also from Papua New Guinea, it shares batrachotoxin with the Hooded Pitohui, serving as a deterrent for predators.

Rufous Shrike-Thrush

Another Papua New Guinea native, this bird carries batrachotoxin, causing numbness if touched.

Common Quail

Can cause food poisoning known as coturnism if consumed, due to toxic plants in their diet.

Spur-Winged Goose

Native to Africa, it may contain cantharidin from blister beetles, leading to gastrointestinal issues if eaten.

Bronze-Winged Jacana

Found in tropical Asia, it can accumulate toxins from its diet, though specifics are less known.