Stop These Practices To Grow Beards

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Regular shampoos and conditioners are harsh and not suitable for facial hair.

Avoid Treating It Like Your Head Hair

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Sebum is the natural oil your face secretes to keep your skin from drying out – but using common beard shampoo will wash it all off.

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Men's beards continue to grow into their 30s.

Not Allowing Your Beard Enough Time To Grow

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Are you in your twenties and still have a patchy beard? Don't worry, you haven't reached your beard's full potential yet.

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Trimming the longer sections will help reduce the appearance of a patchy beard as the slower growing sections catch up.

Don't let your beard be 'wild'

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Early-stage trimming is easy: pick a clipper and guard length and go. Same setting all the way around.

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A man's beard should not touch his chest hair.

Skip the neckline

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On the contrary, when a man smiles, his beard should not be longer than his jaw.

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Wash your face and beard daily with a specialized facial and beard cleanser.

Washing your beard too much or not enough

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As your beard grows longer, wash it with a facial cleanser once or twice a week.