Stop Taking Meds For Anxiety! Do These Mudras Instead

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Hold the mudra and continue the Ujjyayi breath for at least 20 minutes.

Apana Vayu Mudra

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Bend the ring finger and the middle finger, then try to touch the tips of these two fingers to the tip of the thumb.

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Sit in Sukhasana or the Padmasana (lotus pose). 

Prana Mudra

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Let the thumb of both the hands touch the tips of the ring finger and the middle finger, while the rest of the fingers are stretched out close to them. 

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Touch the tips of the middle fingers of both hands to each other. Only stretch the middle fingers open and then touch the tips.

Kaleswara Mudra

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Fold or bend the rest of the fingers forward. Then, touch the joints or knuckles together. 

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Hold the hands in front of the solar plexus. Then interlink all the fingers, except for the index finger and the thumb. Both the index finger and the thumb tips should be joined together. 

Uttarabodhi Mudra

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The index fingers point to the sky direction, or the upwards direction, while the thumbs point to the floor. 

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Sit in the Sukhasana, Padmasana or the Vajrasana position. Place your hands on the respective thighs. Then, bring the tip of the index finger (the pointer) to the base of the thumb.

Vayu Mudra

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Place the thumb tightly over the folded index finger and hold it tight. Stay  and simultaneously doing eased inhalation and the exhalation.