Staying Safe: Crucial Safety Measures During Airplane Turbulence


Keep Seatbelts Fastened

Always keep your seatbelt securely fastened throughout the flight, including during taxiing, takeoff, landing, and particularly during turbulence. This is essential for your safety.

Store Luggage Properly

Secure any loose items in the overhead compartment or under the seat to prevent them from becoming dangerous projectiles during turbulence.

Follow Crew Instructions

Flight attendants are trained to manage turbulence. Pay close attention to their instructions and follow them promptly.

Tense Your Core

Engage your core muscles to help you feel more stable during turbulence.

Relax Your Hands

Resist the urge to clench your fists or grip the seat tightly, as tensing your arms can increase anxiety.

Breathe Slowly

Turbulence can cause anxiety. Practice slow, deep breathing to stay calm, inhaling through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth.

Maintain Proper Posture

If advised to assume the brace position, sit upright with your back against the seat, place your feet flat on the floor, lean slightly forward, and cup your hands around your head, resting them on the seat in front of you.

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