Stay Safe Online: Avoid Clicking On These 7 WhatsApp And SMS Messages

Prize Notifications

 If you receive a message claiming you've won a prize, be wary. There's a 99% chance it's a scam designed to extract your credentials or money

Fake Job Offers

 Job notifications on WhatsApp or SMS are likely scams. Legitimate job offers don't typically come through these platforms, so treat such messages as potential fraud

Bank Alerts with URL

Be cautious of bank alert messages requesting KYC via links. Legitimate banks won't ask for such information through SMS or WhatsApp; these messages may be attempts to steal your money

Unrecognized Purchase Updates

Messages about purchases you haven't made are likely scams. Avoid clicking on any links, as these messages could be designed to compromise your device

OTT Subscription Scams

Beware of messages offering free or urgent updates on OTT subscriptions like Netflix. Scammers use these tactics to entice users into potentially harmful actions

Missed Delivery Notifications

Messages about missed deliveries or delivery issues, even if related to a recent purchase, can be deceptive. Exercise caution, especially if unexpected

Amazon Security Alerts

Messages claiming to be from Amazon regarding security alerts or account updates via SMS or WhatsApp are likely scams. Legitimate alerts from ecommerce platforms won't be sent through these channels. Stay vigilant against potential phishing attempts

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