Spine-Chilling Facts Of Red-Coloured Natron Lake In East Africa

Lake Natron is extremely alkaline, with a pH level that can reach as high as 10.5 or even higher. This high alkalinity is due to the presence of sodium carbonate and other minerals in the water

High Alkalinity

Lake Natron is known for its reddish-pink color, which is caused by microorganisms, such as cyanobacteria and red algae, thriving in the extreme conditions

Unique Color

 Despite its harsh environment, Lake Natron is a vital breeding ground for lesser flamingos. These birds are well adapted to the high alkalinity and feed on the algae and small invertebrates that thrive in the lake

Flamingo Breeding Ground

 The caustic nature of the lake's water can be deadly to most forms of life. It can burn the skin and eyes of animals that come into contact with it

Caustic Environment

 Animals that die in or around Lake Natron can become calcified due to the high levels of sodium carbonate

Calcified Remains

 The lake is located in the East African Rift Valley and is surrounded by active volcanoes. Its alkaline properties are partly a result of volcanic activity in the region

Volcanic Origins

 A few species of fish, such as the alkaline tilapia, have adapted to the extreme conditions of Lake Natron

Unique Fish Species

Due to its remote location and challenging terrain, Lake Natron is relatively inaccessible to tourists. Exploring the area requires careful planning and guidance
