Ashana Sinha 

Spicy Kimchi Stew Recipe In Easy Steps

Take 300g cottage cheese, 2 tbsp gochujang (Korean fermented chilli paste),10g dried shiitake mushrooms,1 tbsp vegetable oil,1 large onion, thickly sliced,1 large carrot, peeled, 2 turnips,200g kimchi,1 tbsp soy sauce,250ml water, bunch spring onions, roughly sliced ,salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Put the cottage cheese in a bowl and season with salt and pepper. Add the gochujang and stir until the cottage cheese is completely coated. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes–1 hour.

 Heat the vegetable oil in a pan. Add the onion, carrot and turnips and fry over a high heat, stirring regularly, until starting to brown.

Add  kimchi, soy sauce and cottage cheese stock. Bring to the boil, then turn down the heat.

Remove the lid and simmer until the sauce has reduced.

Add some spring onions and enjoy!