Some Of The Most Iconic Films Ever Made

Aniket Raj

Harakiri (1962)

Masaki Kobayashi's film follows a man's journey from despair to redemption after entering a courtyard with suicidal intentions.

The Godfather (1972)

Francis Ford Coppola's family crime drama reshaped the mobster genre with its star-studded cast and powerful storytelling.

Jaws (1975)

Steven Spielberg's summer blockbuster introduced the world to the thrill of hunting down a killer shark, setting a new standard for suspenseful cinema.

Come and See (1985)

Elem Klimov's terrifying portrayal of war's impact on civilians offers a haunting perspective on the brutality of conflict.

Goodfellas (1990)

Martin Scorsese's portrayal of the criminal underworld blends pop culture with stark realism, creating a gripping narrative that explores the dark side of gangster life.

City of God (2002)

Fernando Meirelles' drama about life in Rio de Janeiro's slums captivated audiences worldwide, revitalizing interest in non-English cinema.

The Dark Knight (2008)

Christopher Nolan's superhero epic elevated the genre with its intricate storytelling and compelling characters, redefining the possibilities of comic book adaptations.