Skinny To Strong: 7 Foods That'll Bulk You Up Fast

Nuts and Nut Butters

High in calories and healthy fats, nuts like almonds, walnuts, and peanuts, along with nut butters, are great for weight gain.

Dried Fruits

Dense in calories and natural sugars, dried fruits like dates, raisins, and apricots are easy to snack on and can aid in gaining weight.

Whole Milk

Rich in fats and nutrients, whole milk provides a good source of calories for weight gain.


Packed with healthy fats, avocados can be added to meals or eaten as a spread to increase calorie intake.


High in calories and fat, cheese is a tasty way to add extra calories to your diet.

Foods like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and whole-grain pasta offer a good source of carbohydrates, aiding in weight gain.

Potatoes and Starches

Incorporating protein sources like lean meats, eggs, and legumes can help build muscle mass, contributing to healthy weight gain.

Protein-Rich Foods

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