Lingkan Reang 

Significance Of Navratri: A Celebration Of Culture, Devotion & Tradition

 Navratri honours the divine feminine energy through the worship of Goddess Durga. 

Spiritual Significance

It symbolises the victory of good over evil and promotes spiritual growth and self-reflection.

Promotes Spiritual Growth

The festival showcases diverse cultural traditions, including dance forms, helping preserve and promote regional customs and practices.

Cultural Heritage

Navratri fosters a sense of unity and community. Families and friends come together to celebrate,and strengthen social ties.

Community Bonding

Many observe fasting during the festival, which serves as a physical and mental cleansing, promoting health and mindfulness.

Fasting And Cleansing

By venerating female deities, Navratri promotes the importance of women in society and encourages respect and empowerment.

Empowerment Of Women

 The vibrant celebrations, colourful decorations, and lively gatherings bring joy and excitement, allowing people to express their creativity.

Joy And Festivity

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